Hiring A Lawyer For Will Creation


No matter what your financial situation may be in life, it isn't possible to take any of your assets with you when death arrives. However, you can take the legal steps that are necessary to make sure your assets are distributed to the people that you love, whether they be family or friends. You can hire a lawyer to assist with creating a will that will be useful when it comes to the distribution of your assets after death.

4 December 2019

4 Key Pieces Of Evidence In A Slip And Fall Case


If you slip and fall on someone else's property, you can often sue the property owner for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. However, in order to do so, you have to show that the fall was the fault of the owner, and not your own fault. You'll need evidence to substantiate this claim. Here's a look at four pieces of evidence that are often presented in this type of case.

17 October 2019

Examples Of Uncommon DUIs, And Why You Might Face Them


Driving while intoxicated is not the only way to get a driving under the influence (DUI); although, it is the most common. Below are some uncommon forms of DUI charges and why the authorities can prefer them against you. The Examples The following are just a few examples of uncommon DUIs; the list is not exhaustive.  Stationary Vehicle Your car doesn't have to be moving for the police to charge you with a DUI.

28 June 2019

How To Minimize Divorce Costs


Your divorce costs can quickly spiral out of control if you don't take measures to reign in the expenses. Below are a few tips to help you minimize your divorce costs. Avoid Litigation Divorce litigation, where you go to court, argue your points, and let the judge decide, is one of the most expensive forms of divorce. Court fees, legal fees, witness fees, and divorce duration all go up if you opt to litigate your divorce.

28 April 2019

What You Can Expect To Pay A Criminal Defense Attorney


When one's freedom is on the line, it can be expected that paying an attorney will cost a pretty penny. That being said, it is not necessary to break the bank and leave one's family destitute just to try and avoid jail time. Before you sign on the dotted line and leave your fate and wallet in someone else's hands, take a minute to research the different types of common payment options that are commonly practiced by criminal defense attorneys.

25 January 2019