Who Is Liable For Your Injuries When You Trip And Fall On The Sidewalk?


Sidewalks that aren't in good condition are possibly quite dangerous, especially if they're wet or icy. Uneven sidewalks, with one sidewalk slab a few inches higher than the previous, can easily trip someone walking on it. Falling can lead to serious back, neck and head injuries, and the medical bills to treat these injuries can quickly add up. If you've tripped on the sidewalk, you may wonder if you have any legal recourse to help pay for your medical bills or lost wages as a result of being forced to take off of work.

28 December 2020

Where's The Money? What To Know About Collecting Your Auto Accident Compensation


If you've recently won a car accident case, you may be expecting some money. You can be paid in several different ways, and it can depend on the route you took to arrive at the compensation. Read on and find out more about collecting money from a settlement or a court judgment after an accident. Settlements – Faster Money and Less Stress Without a doubt, settling a personal injury case is the way to go.

30 July 2020